Start the conversation

Start the conversation

I can help

Do you have to talk to people?


We all have to start a difficult conversation at one time or another.  Whether it be delivering painful news, harsh truths, or an unpopular opinion.   Telling someone something they don’t want to hear can feel...


You stand facing a group of people.  Maybe 5, maybe 500.  Can you capture their attention?  Will they listen?  Your message is important.  You know what you need to say.  But, will they listen? The...


At some point in life you are part of a team.  Maybe you lead that team.  No matter your position on the team, there are ways to function better as a group.  Google it and...


Do you need a call to action?  Often it takes someone else to deliver the message.  A keynote speaker can bring a conference or event together.  Working with you, I will develop content that speaks...

TESTIMONIALS – What Clients Say


Empathizing isn’t Losing

Empathy is a theme that keeps coming up for me lately.  It’s always played a huge role in my coaching...
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Take the Bully by the Horns

Use your words. Was this a phrase you heard from your mother or grandmother when you were young?  I definitely...
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Networking is the new normal

You don’t like networking.  That’s ok, it’s not my favourite thing to do either.  Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is...
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You’re not done learning

“I don’t need help communicating.  I’m a good communicator!” Yes, I bet you are.  By the time I graduated acting...
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The things we don’t talk about

Don't discuss politics or religion. Not with your family, not at the dinner table, certainly not at a party.  It's...
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What’s your intention?

Passive or Not-So-Passive Aggression.  Don't you just love it when one of those rears its ugly head?  This morning I...
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Common Ground

Why do you like your friends? I started thinking this morning about negotiation strategies and how to bridge the gap...
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Do you need a call to action?  Often it takes someone else to deliver the message.  A keynote speaker can bring a conference or event together.  Working with you, I will develop content that speaks to your needs and goals, and address groups in a way that it entertaining, engaging, and inspires action.  I can link content together, or present ideas in a different way that can capture the attention of your audience and really make them listen.

Contact me today if you are looking for a solution to inspire your team and take your business event to the next level.



At some point in life you are part of a team.  Maybe you lead that team.  No matter your position on the team, there are ways to function better as a group.  Google it and you can find a million quotes about how to be a great leader, and a bunch of corny activities designed to help groups work together better.  Leaders and teams that function well are built on inspiration.  A leader inspires people to follow and a team inspires a leader to do more and be better. Cookie cutter solutions don’t develop effective teams.  You team is made up of individuals.  Each person brings something unique and as a result, customized solutions work best for building and managing teams.

I can help.  If you want to be a leader that inspires action, or if you want to be part of a team that is strengthened by the diversity of its members, let’s talk.

Book your 30 minute consultation today.


We interact with people every day.  Some conversations are easy.  Some are uncomfortable.  Some are terrifying.

Talk to me.  I can help you position your message and give you skills to help you navigate any challenging conversation.

Contact me today for your 30 min free consultation.


We all have to start a difficult conversation at one time or another.  Whether it be delivering painful news, harsh truths, or an unpopular opinion.   Telling someone something they don’t want to hear can feel intimidating.

How will they respond?  What will you say? How can you say what you need to say and preserve a working relationship at the same time?

With technology all around us – technology that prevents us from really communicating with one another – we are rusty when it comes to conversation.

I can help you negotiate that difficult conversation.  What would that look like?  What if you could, for example, fire someone from their position and at the end of the conversation they thank you because they realize they were never happy there anyway.  It’s like that George Clooney movie…what was it called? Up in the Air.  Yes, that’s it.  Sure, they had a script for the movie, but there is a strategy behind the words.  A strategy I can teach you.  You will feel more comfortable having difficult conversations, and so will the people you are talking with.

Conversations are only hard when we don’t have a strategy for success.  And they don’t teach this stuff in school anymore.

Contact me today for a free 30 minute consultation.  Let’s talk.


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