You’re not done learning

“I don’t need help communicating.  I’m a good communicator!” Yes, I bet you are.  By the time I graduated acting school, I had done 3 years in an intensive, practical school setting, hundreds of dance classes and thousands of singing lessons.  I remember the wave sweeping over me, that glorious …

What’s your intention?

Passive or Not-So-Passive Aggression.  Don’t you just love it when one of those rears its ugly head?  This morning I observed a classic example of Not-So-Passive Aggression delivered in a fairly public forum and it got me thinking.  The whole situation was about a set of handwritten instructions that were …

Common Ground

Why do you like your friends? I started thinking this morning about negotiation strategies and how to bridge the gap between two people who don’t see eye to eye.  I always start thinking about this around election time.  An image – actually, a whole video – popped into my head. …